NeSI 2018 Annual Review - looking back on a productive year

We are very pleased to share with you NeSI’s Annual Review for 2018. Looking back, this year has been focused on consolidation and strengthening of partnerships while developing NeSI alongside New Zealand’s evolving eResearch ecosystem.

Our achievements to date, and to come, are made possible through the national collaboration within NeSI of our partners the University of Auckland, NIWA, University of Otago, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, and the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.

This year we're offering a digital version of our annual review. Click here to dive into NeSI's 2018 Annual Review online. If you prefer a printed version, let us know and we will mail you a copy. 

Key highlights from the 2018 year included:

As always, we welcome your thoughts on this Annual Review and any feedback you may have for ways we can improve our infrastructure, services, and partnerships — email us anytime at

We look forward to continuing to collaborate with you in 2019, and our thanks for your support.