Enabling smarter heart surgery

"I was modelling a 109-vessel network and after four days the scenario had only 12 per cent completion...The NeSI Consultancy led to this time being cut down to seven-and-a-half hours for the full scenario run."

Unlocking the power of ParaView to visualise the mechanical behaviour of pumice particles

"The help that we received from this NeSI consultancy project was crucial to our research project."

Shaking up seismic analysis with 2D models

“NeSI was great. The team was really excited to help us out. It felt like they were part of our research team, not just people we were asking to work for us. They got their heads into it.”
Computer model image of blood vessels

Modelling coronary artery bypass grafts

"With NeSI’s help, the more sophisticated vessel networks were being solved in several hours, whereas on prior estimates they would have taken a few months."

Searching for new insights into atmospheric processes and interactions

"The help and efforts of the NeSI consultancy team made it possible to smoothly run climate simulations on NeSI."

Understanding proteins through simulation

"By mapping the atom movements as they propagate through the enzyme, we get an idea of how the organism regulates the enzyme. Researchers could use this knowledge when looking at other enzymes in the future."
photo of a formation of clouds in the sky

Modelling the mysteries of cloud formation

“Cloud formations build up spontaneously, but we don’t understand why... I’d like to know whether I can reproduce those mechanisms with my model."
Multi-coloured abstract image.

A quantum casino helps define atoms in the big chill

"Access to NeSI was crucial for our work. It allowed us to perform highly accurate quantum Monte Carlo simulations in a reasonable amount of time. The results were crucial for demonstrating the efficacy of our new approach to simulating Fermi gasses."
Underwater view of murky ocean, NeSI case study University of Auckland Heide Friedrich

Mahuika models fractal patterns in murky water

"NeSI gave us the computational power to model these flows... Instead of being limited to a couple of metres in a lab we could simulate flows that covers kilometres of ocean floor.”
NeSI Case Study Consultancy Ting Wang Amina Shahzadi University of Otago

Using statistical models to help New Zealand prepare for large earthquakes

"The help that we received from this NeSI consultancy project was crucial to our research project."