A freshly inked scientific partnership is developing new AI computing power and technology to meet demand from Bay of Plenty-based scientists for faster processing of complex research data.The initiative, a marriage between the needs of PlantTech Research Institute in Tauranga and the expertise of New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI), is accelerating innovative research, starting in the agritech sector.
Latest from the Community
Please join us in welcoming the newest members to the NeSI team!Attribution: Wes Harrell
During 2021, the Women in HPC Australasia Chapter will focus on coordinating and delivering 1-2 key activities or initiatives to improve diversity, inclusion, balance and belonging in HPC and eResearch across New Zealand and Australia. To help decide its 2021 priorities, the Chapter Organising Committee (which includes reps from NeSI, AeRO, NCI Australia, Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, and Monash University) is asking community members to complete a short survey.
With two weeks to go until eResearch NZ 2021, the NeSI Team is looking forward to the convesations and connections this year's hybrid approach will enable for research communities across New Zealand and Australia. Happening from 10-12 February, eResearch NZ is co-hosted by NeSI, Genomics Aotearoa, and REANNZ.
NIWA has an exciting opportunity for an experienced Systems Engineer to make a significant contribution to the New Zealand research landscape by working within NeSI.
As 2020 comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the positive milestones NeSI celebrated this year. We'll save the deeper dive into metrics for our annual review - in the meantime here are a few snippets we wanted to highlight.
Across the globe from the earliest months of 2020 we have witnessed and likely participated in renewed engagement with science and evidence-based policy. Our nations have built rapid response centres incorporating clinicians, economists, business leaders, and policy experts, reinforcing the science advisory networks now a feature of many administrations. Epidemiologists have been captivating entire nations on a regular daily news cycle, for months on end.
Following the launch of the Women in HPC Australasia Chapter in October, the initiative's reach has grown with new channels and ways for community members to connect and contribute to the Chapter's activities. NeSI is proud to be one of the founding organisations alongside NCI Australia, Pawsey Supercomputing Centre, Monash University, and the Australasian eResearch Organisations (AeRO).The initial goals of the Chapter include:
Jupyter has become an increasingly popular software tool for creating and sharing documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and explanatory text.
The following article was written by Megan Guidry, NeSI Research Communities Advisor; Matthias Liffers, Research Software Skills Specialist, Australian Research Data Commons; and Liz Stokes, Senior Research Data Skills Specialist, Australian Research Data Commons.------