
Created 4 years 4 months ago
On 26 March, 2020, ESR researcher Joep de Ligt collaborated with NeSI to deliver a training webinar on genomics workflows. He summarised the benefits of adopting a workflow practice and demonstrated ... Read more
Created 4 years 4 months ago
Creating clear analyses that can be reproduced easily sounds simple. So why do so many of us struggle to re-run code that was developed 2, 5, or 10 years ago or find ourselves utterly lost when... Read more
Created 4 years 4 months ago
NeSI's next online hacky hour will be happening on Wednesday 18 March. These one-hour sessions are held monthly for any genomics researcher using NeSI, whether you are early in your journey, a... Read more
Created 4 years 4 months ago
As access to data grows exponentially, genomics researchers are looking more towards using workflows. But what does an effective workflow look like and how should people go about developing one for... Read more
Created 4 years 4 months ago
On 10 March 2020 Anthony Shaw, a member of NeSI’s Applications Support team, presented a webinar that covered tips for optimising job configuration and reducing your NeSI queue time. If you were... Read more
Created 4 years 5 months ago
If effectively anticipating your job’s HPC resource requirements is a skill that you want to develop, come along to NeSI’s next “Quick Tips” webinar: How efficient is my job?  NeSI’s Anthony Shaw... Read more
Created 4 years 6 months ago
In 2020 NeSI will be continuing to hold online ‘Genomics on NeSI’ hacky hours.  These one-hour sessions will be held monthly for any genomics researcher using NeSI, whether you are early in your... Read more
Created 4 years 6 months ago
On January 30th Callum Walley, a member of NeSI’s Applications Support team, presented a webinar on troubleshooting.  Having helped numerous people overcome job submission obstacles, Callum used this... Read more
Created 4 years 6 months ago
Coding can be tricky and frustrating, which is why NeSI’s first Quick tips webinar of 2020 will cover troubleshooting on NeSI.  According to Wikipedia, troubleshooting is “a logical, systematic... Read more
Created 4 years 8 months ago
NeSI held its last training webinar of 2019 this week. There Alex Pletzer, a member of our Computational Science team, demonstrated how you can replace for loops with a single array operation to... Read more