
NeSI provides a range of services, people, expertise, and information to help computational research projects become reality

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photo of a formation of clouds in the sky

Modelling the mysteries of cloud formation

“Cloud formations build up spontaneously, but we don’t understand why... I’d like to know whether I can reproduce those mechanisms with my model."
Multi-coloured abstract image.

A quantum casino helps define atoms in the big chill

"Access to NeSI was crucial for our work. It allowed us to perform highly accurate quantum Monte Carlo simulations in a reasonable amount of time. The results were crucial for demonstrating the efficacy of our new approach to simulating Fermi gasses."
Underwater view of murky ocean, NeSI case study University of Auckland Heide Friedrich

Mahuika models fractal patterns in murky water

"NeSI gave us the computational power to model these flows... Instead of being limited to a couple of metres in a lab we could simulate flows that covers kilometres of ocean floor.”
NeSI Case Study Consultancy Ting Wang Amina Shahzadi University of Otago

Using statistical models to help New Zealand prepare for large earthquakes

"The help that we received from this NeSI consultancy project was crucial to our research project."
NeSI Case Study Stephen Stuart NIWA

Improving researchers' ability to access and analyse climate model data sets

"NeSI has helped us efficiently build a large repository of climate model data from research institutes around the world, which we can now share and analyse in a local supercomputing environment. "

Speeding up the post-processing of a climate model data pipeline

"Before NeSI helped with this project, I was facing cases where I could not compute all the diagnostics required in a realistic time frame and therefore this consultancy has made possible what was simply impossible before."

Solving mapping problems over NZ’s Wairarapa region

"They’ll fire it off to Mahuika and we’ll have a result back the next morning. In the past, this could have taken us a week or more."

Overcoming data processing overload in scientific web mapping software

"To create the map caches for one of our tools would take about a month of continuous processing."
NeSI HPC platform

Empowering students through HPC skills

"With HPC and molecular dynamics software, it’s a lot faster and more user-friendly, both factors that will continue to be more valuable to labs in the future."

Visualising ripple effects in riverbed sediment transport

“NeSI staff provided critical help at a critical time."