NeSI@Otago Day

NeSI will be holding an informal, open day of eResearch focused presentations, case studies, networking and discussions, for all University of Otago staff and postgraduate students on Monday October 31.
- Find out more about the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) and gain insight into the types and scale of research that NeSI enables around New Zealand, and potentially for your research too.
- Listen to presentations by Otago researchers and specialist support staff, who are solving big compute & data challenges, by using eResearch services such as NeSI's supercomputers, high capacity storage (HCS), the data transfer service, and Library data management services.
- Learn more about NeSI's computing facilities and services; including consultancy, support and training initiatives such as Research Bazaar and Software Carpentry and how to access them.
- See how others are applying some of the software carpentry skills, that you too can learn, by attending the NeSI / Otago led Software Carpentry course being held 1 & 2 Nov in Dunedin.
- Discuss all your eResearch requirements and questions with specialist support team members from NeSI, ITS and the Library.
- Get started straight away - talk with support consultancy staff to:
- Create a NeSI project for your research, get your account set up and see a supercomputer job running;
- Get your research file storage allocated on HCS and learn how to use it;
- See how to transfer large data sets from HCS to NeSI and around the world.
When and Where: Monday 31 October, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
College Auditorium, UO College of Education, 178 Union Street East.
Lunch, morning and afternoon teas provided.
Remote Connectivity Arrangements: You can join this event via Zoom; the meeting ID will be sent to confirmed attendees. Meeting rooms in Christchurch (Room 7.05) and Wellington (Room C31) have been reserved for those who want to attend from the Northern campuses, or you can join from your desktop / mobile devices worldwide.
Meet with: Your Otago research colleagues, staff from ITS, New Zealand eScience Infrastructure and the Library.
RSVP: If you would like to attend this event please confirm by Monday 24 October to Please advise of any dietary requirements.
Questions: If you have any queries about the day please contact Dave Maclaurin or David Eyers.
We hope to see you there!