ResBaz New Zealand is on its way!

New Zealand is getting ready to run Research Bazaar in 2017! After successfully hosting the event in 2015 and 2016, New Zealand is working towards expanding the number of ResBaz sites in both the South and the North Island. In 2016 it was Auckland and Dunedin (with the main hosts being the University of Auckland and the University of Otago respectively). In 2017 we should see even more engagement from New Zealand's universities and research organisations.

NeSI is working with all New Zealand ResBaz 2017 sites, coordinating communication and providing support, in particular to the ones that are planning to organise the event locally for the first time.

ResBaz receives a lot of interest, but also generates many questions among those who have never attended the event and are considering hosting it. In collaboration with the international ResBaz community, NeSI is trying to answer all these enquiries. For example, thanks to the ResBaz Cookbook we are able to provide potential hosts with ideas for various social activities. There is also advice on Kiwi-specific matters related to ResBaz coming from the experienced organisers in Auckland and Dunedin. Finally, we hope to establish some trans-Tasman mentorship links to help new hosts plan their events.

It is really exciting to see ResBaz growing in New Zealand. If you are based in New Zealand and would like to join one of the sites, please send an email to and we will take you on board!
