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Introducing NeSI’s Research Reference Group
Towards the end of 2015, NeSI put out a call for nominees to make up a newly-formed Research Reference Group, to act as an advisory committee to the NeSI Director and Board. We requested nominations from Science NZ, Universities NZ, and from NeSI’s collaborator institutions around the country. Two international members and a local member-at-large were also sought, and after a thorough review by NeSI’s Board, the group was established and the first meeting held in December. The group is made up of eight research community leaders with strong technical knowledge of the impact of eScience as an enabler to research. We are confident we have achieved a balanced membership from across national and international research interests. Read more... |

Case study: When getting back to basics is better than fancy new tools"This is a classic example of the huge advances that are being achieved through our excellent collaboration with NeSI."Prof. Brendon Bradley of QuakeCORE (based at the University of Canterbury) has used a parallelised software, designed for 3D seismic wave propagation simulations on NeSI’s BlueGene/P supercomputer, to develop a sophisticated understanding of the effects of earthquake-induced ground shaking. This software, developed by US collaborator Rob Graves (US Geological Survey), enabled the team to simulate all the events in the Canterbury earthquake sequence. NeSI has been supporting this research from the early stages, and has been providing HPC and visualisation services to help develop an intuitive understanding of the model. Read more... |
Three new team members for NeSIHere at NeSI we are pleased to welcome three new members – Daniel Lagrava, Alexander Pletzer and Chris Scott – to our national team. Read more about our new colleagues, their backgrounds and areas of expertise. |
International Open Data Conference 2016The 4th International Open Data Conference, IODC16, will be held this year in Madrid from October 6 to 7. All the open data community is invited to contribute to the agenda and develop the outcomes of the conference which has the theme 'Global goals, local impact.'
As a global event, the conference will provide significant learning and a space for networking and collaboration for all national and international participants in government, private sector and civil society, who will learn from the best international Open Data experts. The Global Open Data community will be not only invited, but truly encouraged to send their contributions for the agenda of the three main tracks in which the event is organised: Impact, Sharing and Action. See our website for more information or submit your proposal here, no later than April 3rd.
HPEC 2016: Call for papersThe 2016 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, known as HPEC 2016, is the premiere conference in the world on the convergence of High Performance and Embedded Computing. This year the event will be held in the Greater Boston Area, Massachusetts, USA from September 13 to 15 . IEEE is the world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology. They are passionate about performance and their community is interested in computing hardware, software, systems and applications where performance matters. IEEE welcomes experts and people who are new to the field. The HPEC 2016 technical committee is now calling for new presentations that clearly describe advances in high performance extreme computing technologies. Find more details here and submit your proposal now before the May 20 deadline.
Deep South National Science Challenge FundThe Deep South National Science Challenge is pleased to announce its first contestable funding round. The Challenge is conducting an open funding process and invites ideas for research aligned to any (including possibly two or more) of the five research programmes: » Engagement » Vision Matauranga » Impacts and Implications » Earth System Modelling and Prediction » Processes and Observations Proposals that include co-funding between the National Science Challenges are especially encouraged. More information on the programmes, focal areas, and the contestable funding process can be found on the Deep South Challenge site. The deadline for submissions is 6 April 2016.
Recent research outputsWe are always interested in hearing about research outputs generated with the help of NeSI. To notify NeSI of upcoming publications, please email pubs@nesi.org.nz. If you would like to be kept up to date with research outputs as NeSI includes them, please join our Mendeley Group. |
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