eScience 2017 to be hosted in Auckland

The 13th International Conference on eScience 2017, due to take place in Auckland, New Zealand from 24 - 27 October 2017, is pleased to now invite submissions for papers and workshops for inclusion in the conference programme.
Please click on the following links for full details on the submission process:
Call for Papers
Call for Workshops
Key Dates for Workshop Submissions:
Submissions Due: Friday 10 February 2017
Notification of Acceptance: Friday 17 February
Key Dates for Paper and Poster Submissions:
Submissions Due: Friday 19 May 2017
Notification of Acceptance: Wednesday 5 July 2017
eScience 2017 looks forward to receiving your submission and welcoming you to Auckland in 2017!
General Chairs
Nick Jones: New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
Mik Black: University of Otago
Programme Committee Chairs
David Abramson: University of Queensland
Gillian Dobbie: University of Auckland
David Eyers: University of Otago
Workshop Chair
Kyle Chard: University of Chicago